fredag 10 april 2009

Like birds in a small cage...

I counted the seats.. There are about 120 seats in an office area where we in Sweden would be about 30-40 people. And even though the temperature is higher than in a sauna, one girl was actually having a blanket over her legs so she wouldn't get cold. How insaine is that?

Yesterday was all work and no fun. I worked from 8 to 23, and then continued to answer e-mail lying in bed using my pda.. I don't like where this is going....

3 kommentarer:

  1. Räknar du antalet timmar du jobbar i Tokyo?

  2. Vi räknar alltid antalet timmar vi jobbar. Hur ska vi annars kunna fakturera?

  3. jovisst, men tyckte att du berättat att du får ingen övertid vare sig du jobbar 41 timmar i veckan eller 55. Du har en månadslön och jobbet ska vara gjort.. typ.
